A much reduced mileage from Monday – only eleven miles – but our second practise hike along the Malverns started with a rather rude awakening. We started out from the North Quarry car park, and climbed a few hundred feet in about a mile. I certainly needed to pause a few times to catch my breath, and to allow my heart to slow to an acceptable rate.
From there, though, things got a lot easier. We paused on the trig point of Worcestershire Beacon for a repeat selfie (from when we visited in October), and then took the lower paths from Wyche Cutting through the trees.
Like I said, the rest of the day was very much easier, and, aside from our brief stop at the reopened St Anne’s Well cafe, went without much incident to be of note. We did notice that our recovery from the initial climb was pretty good though – the ten miles following the climb (including a few subsequent mini climbs) were easy and straightforward. This is good news.
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