I’m annoyed with myself again. Irritated that I haven’t learnt from my mistakes, again. Will I ever though? That’s the question. Probably not. That’s the answer.
I’m annoyed with myself because I was in a slump, for no good reason (other than it was Monday, and then this morning, because I had to get up with the prospect of being very busy at work). I was getting myself ‘pre-stressed’ about things – worrying about things before they happened. For crying out loud – there’s enough stress out there waiting for me already, without subjecting myself and others to more of it before it’s even happened. If something’s going to happen, it’s going to happen – do anything you can beforehand, but just deal with it when it does happen.
I was concerned that I’d be overwhelmed with work today. The facts that I’ve just had lunch (albeit a pasta pot thing), and that I’m having the time to write this are evidence that this hasn’t happened. Either that or my Inbox will be crammed when I go back to it in a moment, but let’s deal with that when and if it happens. So yes, I was concerned about being overwhelmed. The concern did nothing to get the job done – it served only to get me down. I know this – I knew this this morning, and I knew it every other time it’s happened. But yet, there I was, being concerned and getting myself down.
In the grand scheme of things, I have little or nothing to get stressed about anyway, to be absolutely honest.
Problems are just solutions waiting to be found. Greet life with a smile, whatever it tries to throw at you.
Oh, and when life throws powdery pasta pots at you, eat them, unless there’s anything else in cupboard, in which case, eat that.
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